Sep 1MentalityHOW CHANGE OCCURS (VS WHAT WE ACTUALLY THINK)When looking to improve a skill, there is the reality of how that occurs vs. what people want and expect. This is true of just about any...
Mar 21, 2023OtherHOW TO DEAL WITH A COACH WHO WANTS YOU TO SWING DOWN AND HIT THE BALL ON THE GROUNDEvery season, I have hitters who work their tails off at improving their bat path to become a more successful hitter and make huge...
Oct 6, 2022MentalityWHAT MY DAUGHTERS HAVE TAUGHT ME ABOUT HITTINGMost people that get my emails know that I have three kids, a four year old boy and twin one year old daughters. They have taught me a...
Apr 5, 2022MentalityEvaluating Success at the PlateBy Jimmy Sheppard Hitting is the hardest activity in sports to succeed at. If you hit .300 as a hitter you are considered elite, yet...
Mar 2, 2022OtherA Parent's Guide to Helping Their Kids SucceedBy Jimmy Sheppard Much of what we deal with as coaches at Elite Diamond Performance is the mental side of hitting. A player may have a...